32nd Limerick St Paul's Scout Group 32nd Limerick St Paul's Scouts Established 1981

St Paul's Events

October 25th 2019 - October 27th 2019

Cub Curraghchase Weekend

Well done to all the Cubs who attended our first overnight trip of the year at Curraghchase Scout House. It was the first overnight trip with us for many of the seventeen Cubs and seven Leaders and lots of new skills were learnt.

We arrived in Curraghchase on Friday evening and settled in, before going on a night hike around Curraghchase park and returned to the house for some hot chocolate and a movies before bed.

On Saturday morning we had Shelter Building, Bamboo Pioneering and Spiders Web Activity as the first three bases of the day. It was then time to make some 'Hobo Stew' for lunch and cook it over the fire.

After everyone was fed and had rested a little, the Cubs learned about Morse Code and translated some words which they heard as 'dits' and 'dahs'. They also made Paracord Bracelets and followed a 'Blind Mans Trail' with the help of their Sixer.

After dinner we had a campfire where some cubs performed sketches and told jokes.

The weather stayed dry all weekend and there were a lot of happy Cubs and Leaders going home on Sunday after a great weekend. The Cubs were a credit to the group.
